Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How to Clean Pewter Jewellery

Pewter is a metal that have versatility and beauty. It is used to make stunning, fashion and regular jewellery. It is also used to make other items like cups, plates and many more. This metal is a bit heavy and is easily identifiable because of its color. Pewter is an alloy of different metals that are tin, copper and antimony. Tin is the prime metal and used in large quantity as compared to copper and antimony. Ancient pewter contains lead too. These elements give pewter its antique features.

It is easy to care jewellery made of pewter. Like every other jewellery, eventually it requires cleaning. Newly purchased jewellery is not hard to clean because it may not be tarnished like the old pewter. If the old pewter becomes tarnished, it can be cleaned and will look like newly purchased. If you clean your pewter jewellery constantly then it will look fabulous all the time.

As it is known that pewter is a metal alloy, so it does not require too much time to be polished unlike silver or other metals. As the modern pewter comes without lead so it makes it tarnish free and easily maintainable. Pewter can be cleaned with hands. For cleaning with hands you need mild soap and warm water. Prepare mixture water with soap and clean pewter with this, then rinse the metal and dry it with a soft cloth. Soft cloth must be used because it is a malleable metal and can be bent easily. There is one more method to clean pewter jewellery items. You need to make a mixture of flour, salt and white vinegar and create a paste. Now apply the paste on the jewellery for fifteen minutes at least, then rinse the jewellery with warm water and dry it with soft cloth.

Light tarnish that occurs on pewter may also be removed with the normal polish that is also used to polish metals like silver. Take a soft cloth and lick it with polish and rub the pewter in a circular motion gently. Then wash the pewter and dry it like you are buffering it. Rub it in one direction to create shine. Don't clean it in excess as this may destroy its shine. And don't wash pewter items in dishwasher, because the high temperature and detergent may leave spots on it.

Ancient pewter also contains lead, so it requires deep cleaning to bring back its natural beauty and color. Tarnished pewter jewellery items may appear to have brown spots that can be easily cleaned by following the above mentioned instructions.

If you are not satisfied with the above mentioned instructions, then there are two more options. First is to visit a professional jeweler who may tell you how to do that or may do that for you at some cost. Secondly, make a search on the web that may provide you the details that the jeweler will not provide you. Several sites are present that can give this information.

Please visit our site for full information like history, designs, types, buying tips, caring tips, cleaning tips, importance and all other important aspects of all Jewellery items and its different types and designs. You will find tons of articles on all popular jewellery designs and types like Pewter Jewellery

Further Reading:
For More quality and unique Information on the topic of Pewter Jewelry, please visit the following reference site:
Pewter Jewelry

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